Monday, March 24, 2008


I'm soooo into tennis these days..Yeah, from the Australian Open to Doha..and now the Indian Wells, Ive been following Maria's game. I really admire that tennis player coz she's so TOUGH! And when it comes to interviews, gosh! she's so good in answering questions, though she's sarcastic sometimes. Actually, that's what I like about her. Ang taray!


And with Novak, actually..they're just friends coz Novak has a girlfriend..huhu. But who knows? wah! What a lovely couple!

Sunday, March 09, 2008


March 10 -
Happy Birthday to Mr. Jojo Lastimosa!
Cheers to my first favorite player...a true athlete who saved the Philippine team during the 1998 Asean Games.
Wala lang..naalala ko lang na tuwing birthday nya, I was always greeting if its also my birthday. Favorite ko kasi talaga sya nung bata ko. He's referred to as the "4th Quarterman" during the reign of Alaska in the 90's. Siya yung reason kung bakit confident ako kapag nanonood ako ng game nila dati dahil alam ko na andun si JOLAS. He would definitely deliver during crunchtimes.
There many some people who do not like him coz of his nemesis inside the court but one thing for sure, Mr. ISABELO "JOJO" Lastimosa got my respect. And despite I'm supporting another player and team now, I still managed to take a pic of him last conference. Ang saya saya ko talaga nun..ang babaw di ba? Pero who cares, happy ako eh kasi IDOL ko sya. :).
I'm not sure about his age, I think he was born on 1963 or 1964...hihihi..but look at him, he still looks very handsome. I have a lot of reasons why I like him, he's sense of leadership, his looks (hehe), his presence of mind during crunchtime, etc...madami!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

super LATE!

I am so excited to write an entry today because it is my first post for the month of March. My February did not end so well. I was fuming mad during my last post. Well, it has already passed. Though, like what I've said I don't forget things easily. Right now, I wanna start this month with a happy story. :) though it has a little sad part.

I spent my weekend in Batangas with my family. We met in Lipa and then ate lunch at SM Lipa. My parents brought my two nephews as well as my two cousins. After that, we watched a movie. Sigh** No choice, my mother enjoys watching ABS shows, so I've got no choice. Though I wanted to watch other movies, I wanted them to enjoy naman. Well, I kinda enjoy the film but not that much..ewan, di ko feel eh. Yeah, Sam looks cute when he was fat especially when he was dancing at the supermarket. I also liked the part when Aldred Gatchalian rapped. He's hot! haha. I still prefer him over Gerard Anderson. He's better and he's more talented. Period! No comment about Kristine and Toni except the fact na sobrang puti ni Kristine. Wala na kong masabi. hehe. We went home around 5pm.

The following day, I woke up at 10am. Imagine! We had our lunch and then my father got two big guavas. We ate them and I really loved it. Ang sarap! Fresh pa! Then my mother told me to bring the other two in Manila. Later, I packed my things and got ready. But of course, I watched SOP first. I was supposed to drop by to the hospital to visit my aunt but I decided not to. She's doing well na naman when I saw her yesterday.

I waited for my cousin who'll go to Manila, too. While waiting for him, I chatted with my aunt and other relatives on my father side. I also bought the black nail polish from her store and immediately put it on my fingers. WAH! This is the effect of the waffle guy on me. :). Around 4pm, we left. We rode on a van to Lipa then a bus to Manila. At 7:30, I arrived in the apartment.
My housemates were'nt there but Pherl and her boyfriend came. Good, I'm not alone. We turned the TV set and just watched PBA game. SLR won the championship over Purefoods. :).

My insights on:
on Regine Velasques' statement in SOP - GOOD DECISION! There are things that money can't buy especially friendship.
on SLR's championship: CONGRATULATIONS! Job well done. Sooo happy for Denoc and Seph, the former Tigers :)
This morning, I read something from a YG and it shocked me a little! Then later on, I laughed. Okay, I'm happy for him. I hope its true, ayt Ice? I don't wanna elaborate on this coz I respect other people's lives.
Well, I had a great weekend, I'm hopin that it will not spoiled by some 'people' in the office.

Luv the pics! Till next time..xoxo