Sunday, May 27, 2012


Half of the year is almost over. Time to review the five movies I've watched for the past months. I'm not an expert when it comes to movies, so whatever I write here is purely based on my taste and preference. 

Let me start with the first movie I watched at the beginning of the year, The Grey. 

I watched this film with my good friend, Lhyza and she told me that I should have warned her. There were scenes in the film where wolves suddenly attack the group of survivors from the plane crash. Actually, I watched this movie because of Liam Neeson. I was bored and I remembered that my friend is coming to my place, so I invited her to see the movie. I think the movie is great! It's deep and scary at the same time. I was hoping that the main character would be able to survive till the very end of the film, only to find out that the movie's ending is a hazy. Still, that makes the movie awesome. You will really think if he survived or not!

Overall, I give the movie a 6/10. But story and acting-wise, I give it an 8/10. I'm a Liam Neeson fan after all. :)

The next movie that I watched was The Hunger Games! 

I VOLUNTEER as a tribute!

Lhyza and I watched this filmed in Shang Ri La.I've read the book that's why I was excited to watch it on the big screen. I even posted a status on my Facebook account about this movie. While watching, I felt great because I was trying to remember the scenes from the book. I didn't expect that all of them will be included because of airtime. I liked the movie, Jennifer Lawrence moved me and almost made me cried when she shouted "I volunteered!" However, I felt a little dizzy because of the camera shakes. After watching it, I became a J-Law fan. No comment about Josh and Liam. Certainly not my type. LOL. Overall, I give it a 7/10.

I watched two movies last April, namely Battleship and The Avengers. 

First reason why I watched this was because of Liam Neeson. However, I was kinda disappointed when I found out that his scenes were very short. I even thought that Battleship wasted his talent. But oh well, I had to deal with it because in the first place he's not the main actor in the movie. I had no reason to rant. Peace!

I dunno but I really enjoyed watching Battleship even though there were some loopholes in the story. Maybe I was just amazed with it's special effects. Or maybe it's Taylor Kitsch. Or Rihanna. 

It's just my opinion but I think it's a mixture of Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, and Transformers. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed watching it. When I got home, I immediately search the name Alexander Skarsgard on the net. He's so damn gorgeous! I'm in love! Haha.

I'm giving Battleship an 8/10.

Up next is the The Avengers!

While watching Thor last year, I fell inlove with Tom Hiddleston's portrayal of Loki. I was really looking forward to him this year. Well, he never let me down. He's the best villain for me. :-).

I should say that the casting is SICK! It's AMAZING!

I have some favorite lines from the movie. 

Loki: I have an army!
Tony Stark: We have a HULK.

Captain America: Big man in a suit of armour. Take that away and what are you? 
Tony Stark: Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist? 

Since I really had fun watching this film, I gave it a 9!! Can't wait for Thor 2 but I'm hopeful that there will be enough exposure for my Tom. LOL

And finally, just this month I watched Dark Shadows with my friend, Sam. We both like Johnny Depp so we agreed to watch it before our shift. I don't wanna elaborate on this, but I should have watched another film. Period.